Due to the effects of the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the planned completion of the movie was del […]
We are one of the thousands and hundreds of millions of lives that will one day sink into the mantle and disap […]
Minamoto no Yoshitsune has many legends in various parts of the prefecture, centered on Iwate and Hiraizumi. I […]
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, a full orchestra concert was held by the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, […]
It's a mess A twig of ginkgo that became a cane Miyako Watching over the river water that was drunk by Ma […]
Considering the impact of the new coronavirus infection, we have decided to postpone it in a hurry. We will in […]
Considering the influence of the new coronavirus, we decided to distribute the video in a hurry. We will infor […]
A new original family musical that gives courage to people's hearts! The Shiki Theater Company family mus […]
Organizer: accommon × Iwate Philosophy Cafe * The following information is provided by the owner of "Iwat […]
It has been 10 years since the earthquake. With the thought of requiescats. In Miyako City, a coast of Sanriku […]
What is "Mama Fes Iwate"? We say, "Mom in the world should be as it is." It is a group tha […]
I will teach you how to deal with that frustrating person! An introductory course on Anger management, which i […]
Kitazaki, a coastal town in Iwate prefecture. On the day of the earthquake, " Hiyori ", a girl who c […]
The first public participation dance performance since the reopening of the Miyako Citizens' Cultural Cen […]
Bring the sound of the orchestra down to your body The power to live in the present age grabs joy from the bot […]
Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, a coastal city in the Sanriku region with the scenic Jodogahama beach. Embraced […]
XX until the world collapses. The "deadline" announced by the central government is just around the […]
The Miyako Citizens' Cultural Center Music Selection is a concert designed to invite artists who are acti […]
Nao has transferred to a school with unique classmates. On the first day of transfer, I found a child in the c […]
Does the movement that started from loosening the body become a dance? !! A new style of online dance workshop […]