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  3. [Workshop] Let's experience the "Butoh" of Dairakudakan!

[Workshop] Let's experience the "Butoh" of Dairakudakan!

Considering the impact of the new coronavirus infection, we have decided to postpone it in a hurry.
We will inform you of the postponed schedule.

The basic gymnastics of Dairakudakan is to shake the body of Funyafunya and shake the body of Bibibibi. Starting with relaxation, your head and body will be surprisingly free. "Move" instead of "move" by yourself. Experience a slightly mysterious world that is extraordinary, and let's find your own unique movements and dances while moving your body happily.

What is Butoh …
It is one of the dances born in Japan in the 1950s. Dairakudakan was launched by Akaji Maro in 1972, and has been the driving force behind the "Ball" ever since. Appearance features such as whitewashing, shaving, and nudity have an impact, but the underlying idea of facing the individual's body and approaching the fundamental background is broadly the world of art. Has continued to influence people of a wide range of genres. It is one of Japan's leading performing arts that attracts attention from all over the world.

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Ikko Tamura

Butoh dancer, choreographer, actor. Born in Tokyo. In 1998, he entered Dairakudakan and studied under Akaji Maro. Since then, he has appeared in all Dairakudakan works. In 2002, released "Libertine in the crowd". Received the 34th Dance Critics Association New Face Award for this work. In 2008, studied abroad in France under the Agency for Cultural Affairs' up-and-coming artist study abroad program. Since 2011, as a registered artist of Regional Creation <Public Hall Contemporary Dance Revitalization Project>, he has been enthusiastically challenging the creation of works on the theme of local culture and climate, and continues to present his own works. ..
(Dairakudakan Official Homepage: http://www.dairakudakan.com )

Holding period 2022/1/20
Open time 19:00〜21:00
Venue Miyako Citizens' Culture Center Middle Hall
Address 2-22 off Sokeioki, Miyako City
Access https://iwate-arts-miyako.jp/access/
Price free
Contact Miyako Citizens' Culture Center TEL: 0193-63-2511
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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