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  2. Miyako City
  3. MIYAKO AIR / NATURE A mountain that was only 1 cm smaller 10,000 years ago

MIYAKO AIR / NATURE A mountain that was only 1 cm smaller 10,000 years ago

We are one of the thousands and hundreds of millions of lives that will one day sink into the mantle and disappear.
And those accumulations are the size of that mountain today.

The ground movement is repeated, and ash-like snow is about to fall in our world.

When Monte was little, he called the Children's Science Telephone Counseling during the summer vacation and asked, "Is the old earth smaller than it is now that fossils can be found under the soil?"
Monte didn't remember the science teacher's answer at that time anymore, but he was dented just to find out that it probably wasn't the case.
Because Monte loved astronomy and was worried about the earth 10,000 years later.
I thought that if the strata were piled up like this, I could get closer to my favorite stars as much as I could touch the moon if I reached out.
But that dream doesn't seem to come true, even if Monte lived for 10,000 years. However, Monte did not give up and continued to investigate various things.
And I knew. Ten thousand years later, everything in this world we are living in will eventually flow into the trench, sink into the mantle, and everything will be gone.
However, the mantle recoiled and pushed up the mountain by 1 cm. Monte wants to confirm that 1 cm, by all means.

Holding period 2022/3/27
Open time Opening 13:30

Start 14:00
Venue Miyako Citizens' Culture Center Large Hall
Address 2-22 off Sokeioki, Miyako City
Price 500 yen (all unreserved seats | 500 yen increase on the day)

▶ ︎Handling: Miyako Citizens' Culture Center (9: 00-17: 00 / Closed on Mondays)

▶ ︎Play Guide: Rera Park Konari, Kanno Books
Contact Miyako Citizens' Culture Center

TEL: 0193-63-2511
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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