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  3. We will exhibit at "Iwate You & I Talk 2021" on 7/17/18!

We will exhibit at "Iwate You & I Talk 2021" on 7/17/18!

  2021/7/17~2021/7/18 online   1,250 Views

■ "Iwate You & I Talk 2021", which introduces the charm of living and working in Iwate, is a two-day (7/17/18) online event in which 33 municipalities and more than 33 companies in Iwate Prefecture will exhibit.

■ As the "Iwate Prefecture New Farming Counseling Center", Kosha accepts consultations during the intensive reception period from July 17th to 25th at the "Migration & Work Individual Counseling" section (advance reservation required).

■ In addition to various programs, it seems that there are gifts that you can get by pre-registration, so please join us!

Holding period 2021/7/17~2021/7/18
Open time 12:00~18:30
Venue online
Address online
Parking None
Access https://iwate-you-i.com/
Price free
Contact Please contact us from the special site
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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