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  3. Kunpu Concert

Kunpu Concert

  2024/5/12~2024/5/12 Morioka City   130 Views

Music at Ichinokura House in early summer♪

"Kunpu Concert"

We will be holding a live performance by "Gyokune Catharsis," a Japanese-Western fusion unit featuring vocals, shakuhachi, piano, and drums.

Date and time: Sunday, May 12, 2024, 14:00-15:00

Location: Morioka City Protected Garden "Ichinokura Residence" 19-64 Abedate-cho, Morioka City Tel: 019-646-181

Viewing is free, so please come and join us!!

Holding period 2024/5/12~2024/5/12
Open time opening

Start of show
Venue Morioka City Protected Garden “Ichinokura House”
Address 19-64 Abedatecho, Morioka City
Parking Yes
Price Free admission
Contact Minami Iwajo, 090-7562-3012, t5minami1211@gmail.com


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