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\Notice of recruitment of self-project with archery that you want to become/Participants

  2023/9/9 Morioka City   256 Views
\Notice of recruitment of self-project with archery that you want to become/Participants ✨

It's an unstable world, so why don't you improve yourself and shine like you want to be?

Archery is also called a mental sport and is a sport that requires mental elements. In recent years, the number of working adults with mental health issues has been on the rise, and nearly 60% of workers reportedly suffer from anxiety.

Let's wear self-control (thinking to solve) through archery (as a means).

○ Date and time: Saturday, September 9, 2023 10:00-12:30 (Reception opens at 9:30) *Meeting place: Makibaen entrance

○ Venue Koiwai Farm Ranch Archery Range

○Capacity 10 people

○ Target: Junior high school students and above

○ Clothes Comfortable clothes

○ What to bring Drinks and writing utensils

○ Participation fee 500 yen (as insurance fee)

○Deadline for application 8/31 (Thursday)

○ How to apply Apply using the Google form (link below)

After the tour, please enjoy Koiwai Farm Makibaen.

○Self-caulking instructor

・Mr. Noritoshi Akazawa and Mr. Miyuki Maruo


General Incorporated Association PARK

○ Cooperation

Koiwai Farm Makibaen

Holding period 2023/9/9
Open time Opening 9:30

Start 10:00
Venue Koiwai Farm Makibaen (Meeting place: Makibaen entrance)
Address Maruyachi, Shizukuishi Town
Parking have
Access By car About 15 minutes (12 km) from Morioka IC on the Tohoku Expressway Take National Route 46 toward Akita → Turn right at the Tsunagi Jumonji intersection → Koiwai Farm Makibaen Search your destination with your car navigation system. Please enter the map code "81 872 669*6" or phone number "019-692-4321" when visiting.
Price 500 yen (as insurance fee)
Contact Email address n-sakurada@machisapo.pro
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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