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  3. Parent-child disaster prevention Marche 2021 (online)

Parent-child disaster prevention Marche 2021 (online)

  2021/9/12~2021/10/16 Kitakami online   1,003 Views

Parent-child disaster prevention Marche 2021

A disaster prevention lecture by Mr. Andorisu, an outdoor disaster prevention guide who is very popular all over the country, and a discussion about the child-rearing environment and disaster prevention with the mayor and people involved in child-rearing. We will broadcast the pattern live on Youtube. Why don't you think about what to do in case of emergency?

Keynote speech

Disaster prevention course useful for daily child-rearing Outdoor disaster prevention guide Mr. Andorisu

Lecturer HP

panel discussion

Theme "Kitakami Child-rearing Environment and Disaster Prevention"


  • Mayor of Kitakami Toshihiko Takahashi
  • Miyoko Sato, Representative Director of NPO Manmaru Mama Iwate
  • Mr. Natsue Takahashi, Representative of Kitakami Parenting Net
  • Ms. Mie Yamauchi, Representative of Iwate Allergy Association

Application form (Please apply for missed delivery from here)
* The personal information we receive will be used only for sending URLs.
The questionnaire will be processed into a form that does not identify the individual and will be used within the event.

Holding period 2021/9/12~2021/10/16
Open time 9/12 (Sun) 10: 00-12: 00 Live streaming

(In addition, it will be overlooked and delivered only to applicants until 10/16)
Venue youtube (online, advance application required)
Address Kitakami City (online delivery)
Parking can be
Price free
Contact Executive Committee bosaimarche@gmail.com

(Telephone window: In charge of "Parent and Child Disaster Prevention Marche" in NPO Iwate NPO-NET Support

Weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00 Phone 0197-61-5035)
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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