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  3. Mercato Terrace Vol.11

Mercato Terrace Vol.11

  2021/6/19~2021/6/24 Morioka City Cross terrace Morioka   959 Views

Mercato Terrace Vol.11

Venue: Cross Terrace Morioka 1F Sylvain Plaza Date: 6/19 (Sat) to 6/24 (Thu)

All the staff are looking forward to your visit (^^) /

Holding period 2021/6/19~2021/6/24
Open time From 10 am to 8 pm
Venue Cross Terrace Morioka 1F Sylvain Plaza
Address 3-4-1 Odori, Morioka City Cross Terrace Morioka 1F
Parking Please use the parking lot of Cross Terrace Morioka. We will give you a free ticket.
Contact Ofis Jeanne Co., Ltd.

HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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