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  3. Kanegasaki University of the Arts "Old Story Time"

Kanegasaki University of the Arts "Old Story Time"

  2021/4/3 Kanegasaki Town   1,258 Views

The northern country where the swan's homecoming rush is over and spring is about to come.

However, although the snow has melted, there is no flower color or bird's voice yet.

In northern countries, where there is no color or sound during the winter, I can't wait for spring when "plums, peaches, and cherry blossoms" begin to bloom all at once.

Why don't you come and listen to the old story while taking care of the stove a little now?

The Sugawara family (formerly Kano family) samurai house where the white snow-covered garden became green in spring.

Grandma Kay and Grandma Me are waiting for you.

Holding period 2021/4/3
Open time Opening: Not provided. The venue is open from 10 o'clock.

Start: 11: 00-12: 00

1: 00-2: 00
Venue Former Sugawara family (former Kano family) Samurai residence
Address 9-2 Nishine Omotekoji, Kanegasaki Town
Parking There is none. If you come by car, please stop at Shiraito Machinami Exchange Center No. 2 Parking Lot or Kanegasaki Town Hall.
Access 15 minutes walk from JR Kanegasaki Station, 5 minutes walk from Shiraito Machinami Exchange Center No. 2 Parking Lot, 10 minutes walk from Kanegasaki Town Hall
Price free
Contact 090-2950-2156 / Chiba


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