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  3. Naughty swimming class (swimming class for elementary school students)

Naughty swimming class (swimming class for elementary school students)

  2021/4/3~2021/6/19 Morioka City   863 Views
Swimming class for elementary school students. We can also accept children with disabilities. (8 times in total)

Recruitment period, 3/6 to 3/30 (If the capacity is exceeded, a lottery will be held on 4/1.)

Application : Fureai Land Iwate Sports Reception Tel. 019-637-4469

Dates: 4 / 3,4 / 10,4 / 17,5 / 15,5 / 22,5 / 29,6 / 12,6 / 19 (Saturday 15:00 to 14:45)

Capacity : Approximately 20 people (The capacity may be reduced depending on the participation status of children with disabilities)

* If you are using Fureai Land Iwate for the first time, please make a personal card at the general reception in advance.

Holding period 2021/4/3~2021/6/19
Open time 15:00~15:45
Venue Fureai Land Iwate Pool
Address 8-1-3 Sanbonyanagi, Morioka-shi
Parking free
Price 1,920 yen (pool child usage fee 240 yen x 8 times)
Contact Fureai Land Iwate Sports Reception Tel. 019-637-4469
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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