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  2. Miyako City
  3. You can do it at home! Online DE Dance Workshop!

You can do it at home! Online DE Dance Workshop!

Does the movement that started from loosening the body become a dance? !! A new style of online dance workshop will be held!
Would you like to refresh your stiff body?

Applications are accepted from here .
* Once your application is confirmed, the hall will contact you. Please make settings so that you can receive the following e-mail addresses.

Holding period 2020/12/18
Open time 19:00〜20:30
Venue online

* Use ZOOM
Address 2-22 off Sokeioki, Miyako City
Price free
Contact Miyako Citizens' Cultural Center

TEL: 0193-63-2511

MAIL: bunkakaikan@iwate-arts-miyako.jp
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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