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  3. Tsusuda Ramuta Bunko & Mama Fes Iwate present's Picture book storytelling, snacks and original herbal tea healing party

Tsusuda Ramuta Bunko & Mama Fes Iwate present's Picture book storytelling, snacks and original herbal tea healing party

  2020/11/7 Morioka City   1,159 Views

Hello 😃✨
It's getting cold ☕️
Please warm your body and love yourself 😊💖

11/7 (Sat) [Tsuuda Ramuta Bunko & Mama Fes Iwate present's
A party to read picture books and heal with snacks and original herbal tea] 📚☕️ will be held!

For mothers who are doing their best in housework, childcare, and work every day, why don't you heal slowly once in a while 🤗💖

📚 Date: Saturday, November 7th 13: 00-15: 00

📚 Location: "Tsuuda Ramuta Bunko"
Tsushida-cho, Morioka-shi, Iwate * Details of the location will be announced after application.

🌟 Please enter your name and number of participants on the official LINE or email of Mama Fes Iwate 😊

Holding period 2020/11/7
Open time 13:00~17:00
Venue Tsusuda Ramuta Bunko
Address Tsushida-cho, Morioka-shi (Detailed address will be provided to the applicant)
Parking There is a free parking lot in front of the venue
Access 3 minutes walk from Iwateken Kotsu "Tsushida"
Price Adult 500 yen

300 yen for children

* Free for children who do not need snacks
Contact Official LINE


mail address


HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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