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  3. Teru Kawakita's Media Art Exhibition in MIYAKO

Teru Kawakita's Media Art Exhibition in MIYAKO

  2025/2/8~2025/2/11 Miyako City Miyako Citizens' Cultural Center   38 Views

What is Media Art?

This is art that uses media such as light, sound, and computers to express the artist's worldview. As with media, the works are characterized by works that connect people with technology and works that focus on the relationship between people and computers. For example, there are works where the image changes when sound is played, and works where you can move through space by operating a computer. Both children and adults can enjoy the works not only by looking at them, but also by "touching and moving" them.

As I gazed upon the magnificent view of Jodogahama, I remembered what I loved as a child. My name contains the character for river, so I often played in rivers and loved the ocean they flowed into. The beautiful blue water and the rippling waves soothed my soul. I still can't forget the taste of the salmon at the conveyor-belt sushi restaurant I often went to with my mother. I also had fun using the coins we got there to spin the gachapon machine.
Miyako City has everything I loved as a child. Through media art, I want to convey what I love about Miyako City to children and the local community.
Based on my childhood memories and my impressions of Miyako City, I came up with a media art exhibition that would excite children. I would be happy if they could feel in their hearts what would happen if the blue sea, conveyor belt sushi, capsule machines, and other such nostalgic memories were expressed through media art.

Akira Kawakita

Holding period 2025/2/8~2025/2/11
Open time 9:00〜17:00

(Last day until 16:00)

*Closed on Monday the 10th
Venue Miyako Civic Cultural Center Exhibition Room
Address 2-22 Isogoioki, Miyako City
Price 500 yen

Free for preschoolers

Ticket agency: Miyako Civic Cultural Center, Lila Park Konari, Kanno Bookstore Main Branch
Contact Miyako Civic Cultural Center

TEL: 0193-63-2511
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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