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  2. Ichinohe
  3. Oto The Rock ~One night only live house plan~ VOL8

Oto The Rock ~One night only live house plan~ VOL8

  2023/11/5~2023/11/5 Ichinohe Karumai Town Kunohe Village Ninohe   162 Views
Holding period 2023/11/5~2023/11/5
Open time Opening at 16:30

Show starts at 17:00
Venue Ninohe City Snack OLIVE
Address 35 Nagamine, Fukuoka, Ninohe City
Parking can be
Access 5 minutes by car from Ninohe Station
Price Ticket 2,000 yen (1 drink included)
Contact Ninohe Snack OLIVE (Tamura) 090-4887-4598

FCS / RTF Sound PROJECT (Representative) 090-1497-4348
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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FCS/RTF 音 Project

FCS/RTF 音 Project

We are FCS/RTF, a band group based in the northern part of Iwate Prefecture, which has been doing music activities as...

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