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  3. Parenting that creates a strong heart

Parenting that creates a strong heart

  2023/7/8 Hanamaki   297 Views

Parenting that creates a strong heart

~ How to increase children's resilience ~

[Purpose] Acquire skills that allow you to overcome adversity and lead a fulfilling life in your own way, even in a variety of environments.

[Contents] You will learn how to raise your child so that he or she can recover from hardships and failures. Through lectures and work, you can train your child's resilience, and the parents themselves will also train their resilience.

[Target] Mainly guardians of elementary and junior high school students

Application form

Holding period 2023/7/8
Open time 10:30~12:00

Venue Homenoba Cram School
Address 2-27-14 Sakuradai, Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture
Parking 10 equipment
Price Free to join
Contact Child care support project Katari Bar

Person in charge: Noritoshi Akazawa (Akazawa Co., Ltd.)

TEL: 019-658-8001

Mail: n21.akazawa@gmail.com
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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