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  2. Miyako City
  3. Mini workshop & concert to feel Ryukyu [classical music]

Mini workshop & concert to feel Ryukyu [classical music]

Okinawa Prefecture is about 2,000 kilometers from Miyako City in Iwate Prefecture. Up-and-coming young Ryukyu dancers and musicians will participate in this AIR project in Miyako City, which has a completely different culture and customs.
We will hold an open call for participants workshop to touch Ryukyu classical music.

Holding period 2023/2/21
Open time 19:00〜20:00
Venue Miyako Citizen's Cultural Center Medium Hall
Address 2-22 Isokioki, Miyako-shi
Price free
Contact Miyako City Cultural Center

TEL: 0193-63-2511
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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