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  3. Tono City Arts and Culture Association 15th Anniversary "Toono Yose"

Tono City Arts and Culture Association 15th Anniversary "Toono Yose"

  2022/6/11 Tono City Tono Public Service Center   831 Views

To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Tono City Arts and Culture Association, we will invite Rakugoka Jakusaburo Katsura and Rokkatei Yuka to hold a "Toono Yose".

Mr. Jakusaburo Katsura, who will appear, is a full-fledged Kamigata rakugo sect who has both a laughter side and a dynamic side with a thick hoarse voice. Rokkatei Yuka, who is from Motoichi, is not only a rakugo storyteller but also an announcer and an actress who are widely known.

In addition, Mr. Ota Sakura, a biwa player who is committed to art and cultural activities in Motoichi, and Mr. Hajime Horikiri, a storyteller of the old days, will also appear to liven up the stage.

This performance will be held free of charge with the 15th anniversary of the association and thanks to everyone on a daily basis. Please come and join us.

Holding period 2022/6/11
Open time Doors open 13:30

Start 14:00
Venue Tono Public Service Center Large Hall
Address 1-10 Shinmachi, Tono City
Price free entrance
Contact Tono City Arts and Culture Association Secretariat (inside the Tono City Education and Culture Promotion Foundation)

℡ 0198-62-6191 ✉ mail@tono-ecf.or.jp
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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