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  2. Iwate Adept Program

Iwate Adept Program

Leading you to the best life The oldest royal studies

[Adept Program ® ️ Schedule]


"The future will definitely improve! 』

Every day is exciting, the heart is filled

Are you spending hopeful days?

Or family, partner, money

Unknowingly among various interests

Are you giving up and despairing …

Whether you're achieving your goals now or not

If you excuse yourself

If you're starting to compromise …


It will lie about you.

By unknowingly compromising and giving up

As a result, I lose confidence

Where should I go …

I lost my purpose in life and I lost sight of myself

Before I knew it, my false self took the lead

School, relationships, workplace,

Isn't it a masked life?・ ・ ・

Whether you're successful or not

As long as you are a false self, your status

Even if you have money, you won't be satisfied

Lose your axis, give up or make excuses

Compromising thought patterns

When did you become a habit?

Satisfying the desire for certification that is recognized by others

Everything you don't want to do isn't in vain

It is necessary to do the best for the purpose

But if it's not in sync with the heart

Like losing words that overflow from my heart

If you're not happy

It's a sign to move on to the next stage.

From the time I gave up, I was robbed of my false self

Regain control of your life.

You can get it back

You are yourself, not anyone else.


Your life itself is hope

As long as you are alive

Life is full of opportunities.

Even if you notice it and act

If it's spinning

Or fear of losing the abundance you have

If you can't let go of your attachment

Destroy things that cannot be destroyed by yourself

Let's proceed to Alchemical Pass!

An era when primitive femininity existed

Ancient people were not afraid of destruction.

Rather, he was pleased with the big disaster.

Even if you lose your beloved one

This is because it can bring about the equivalent re-creation.

An era of compassion, sharing, and helping each other

No feeling of loneliness, no dependence

With constructive thinking on the premise that you can overcome it

Ancient people know who they are

We believed in each other and created our lives.

The message left by these ancient people

It remains in Iwakura, Iwate.

If you are physically handicapped

If you are free to think, express in words and letters

In free thinking, without being restricted by anything

You will be able to continue to recreate your life!

Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached by oneself

The oldest royal studies adept program

Gender, culture, religion, race, occupation

Beyond all, royal studies spread to 60 countries

Until 1997 , without being open to the public

Handed over to a new era pioneer

A tool to master this 3D

The true spirituality

Not fluffy and incomprehensible

This earth matrix

A tool to understand and create on your own!

The premise of metaphysics is

All human beings can freely create life

Receive eternal power and assume it

Creating life begins (^^)

We also have events all over the country.

Please feel free to contact us (^^)

I'm looking forward to seeing you.

◆ Participation fee 80,000

Please transfer in advance.

◆ Inquiries ◆

Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached by oneself

Light Center NEFER ( national business trip possible )


Individual ( face-to-face / remote ) session

Various metaphysics classes and events

Stores, company dispatch, home parties, etc.

◆ Holding schedule

* Held at any time! Date and time consultation is possible

* Subject to change.

◆ Iwate 3/20/21 ( Sunday / Month / Holiday )

20th 15-17 : 30 _ _

21st 10-17 : 30 _ _

Venue Big Roof Takizawa

Event date1 2022/3/20
Event date2 2022/3/23
Target Anyone can participate
Capacity 8
Venue 3/20/21 Big roof

3/22 ・ 23

3/22 Morioka City Saien, 3/23 Big Roof (Small Meeting Room)
Address Takizawa City Shimoukai
Parking Big roof free
Price Participation fee 80,000 yuan
Contact Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached by oneself

Light Center NEFER (national business trip possible)

Individual (face-to-face / remote) session

Various metaphysics classes and events

Stores, company dispatch, home parties, etc.

HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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