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  2. Adept program

Adept program


Ale in your life


Life-changing power of all humankind

To the best life that only those who did not give up

[Information on the once-in-a-lifetime adept program]


"Muri" and "I can't"

Change to what you can! Alchemical path

Everyone moves from the soul

To enjoy a life full of love and passion

I was born on this earth.

Spreading over this earth, without being swept away by chaos

Know your matrix

Let's open up more possibilities!


A new coronavirus that changed the world

At the individual, organizational and national level

All humanity is drastic

How to work, how to live, and values

A pandemic wave that had to change

Even now, disasters, viruses, robbing love

Are you worried about the daily news?

get annoyed

Become negative

There is no hope! !!

For human mentality and thinking

It has a big impact.

From stressful and low vibration

For positive and creative high vibration

Let's change the way of life!

"Key" to escape from the way of life so far

It settled in the process of growth

A passive way of life that only does what is said

A way of life that is safe to be the same as those around you

Being swept away by money and power, you lose sight of your true self

What do you want to do?・ ・ ・

do not know? ?? ??

Even if you just ask for the substance

The physical brain is never filled!

Let's integrate the mind and body.

If you wake up as a one-of-a-kind person

Pursue your "beauty"

A life that is filled from the bottom of my heart begins.

Correct the wrong self-image

Without being distracted by the opinions and information of others

Alchemical pass that strengthens creativity

You are the creator of life

I am the leader of my kingdom!

The dream you want to come true

What kind of world is your ideal life?・ ・ ・

When to show your talent

It's time to let go of what you were obsessed with.

I can't throw it away on my own

To a dimension that cannot be reached by oneself

I will navigate (^^)

To control my life

What to tell in the program

・ What is a mystery school?

・ About the guardian angel

・ About human potential and sacredness

・ Structure of the universe

・ Human energy structure

( Aura, chakra, ether, four majors, magnetism )

・ What is an ego?

・ What you need to survive

・ Ancient wisdom Kabbalah


・ Protect yourself and your space from evil

・ Increase the vibration of space and place

◆ Participation fee 80,000

Please transfer in advance.

◆ Holding schedule

* Held at any time! Date and time consultation is possible

* Subject to change.



3/20/21 ( Sunday / Month / Holiday )

Venue Big Roof Takizawa

Iwate 3/22/23 ( Tuesday ) _

10 to 16 o'clock

Held at Morioka Saien on the 22nd

23rd _  Big Roof ( Shimoukai, Takizawa City )

◆ Inquiries

Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached by oneself

Light Center  Nefer ( on a business trip nationwide )


Individual ( face-to-face / remote ) session

Various metaphysics classes and events

Stores, company dispatch, home parties, etc.

Event date1 2022/3/21
Event date2 2022/3/22
Target Anyone is welcome
Capacity 5
Venue Big Roof Takizawa
Address Takizawa City Shimoukai
Parking can be
Price 80,000
Contact Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached by oneself

Light Center Nefer (on a business trip nationwide)


Individual (face-to-face / remote) session

Various metaphysics classes and events

Stores, company dispatch, home parties, etc.

HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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