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  3. [Held on November 3] Make your family more team with SDGs

[Held on November 3] Make your family more team with SDGs

  2021/11/3 Morioka City Plaza Odette   553 Views

Reiko Nakagawa, an SDGs de regional revitalization official facilitator and child-rearing mom, will tell you about the relationship between SDGs and their families and the three perspectives of SDGs that will make your dreams come true through card games and workshops.

■ Date and time
November 3rd ㈬ 13: 00-16: 30
■ Venue Plaza Odete 3F Odete Hall ■ Target high school students-adults ■ Free entry fee 20 people ■ Contents ・ SDGs de Regional Revitalization Card Game ・ Relationship between SDGs and “family” ・ SDGs that fulfill dreams Viewpoint ■ Others ・ There is no childcare, but you can participate with your children. ・ Please wear comfortable clothes such as trousers.

Application form (deadline 10/28)

Holding period 2021/11/3
Open time 13:00~16:30
Venue Plaza Ode Dete Hall (3F)

Address 1-1-10 Nakanohashidori, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture
Price subject

20 high school students to adults

Free participation
Contact Child-rearing support project Katari Bar

Tokutoshi Akazawa (Akazawa Co., Ltd.)

Tel 019-658-8001

✉ n21.akazawa@gmail.com
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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