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  3. Let's make a telescope!

Let's make a telescope!

  2021/7/25 Ofunato Ofunaport   1,320 Views

Date and time: Sunday, July 25, 14: 00-16: 00
Venue: Ofunaport 2nd floor Multipurpose room Participation fee: 3500 yen (material cost)
Capacity: Approximately 8 groups in the order of application For infection control, limited to residents in the Kesen district.
Please wear a mask and participate.
* Attendants are required for those under 10 years old. The participation fee is 3500 yen for the person who makes the telescope.
There is no participation fee for attendants and visitors.

Contents: Create a handmade telescope "Colkit" and learn how to use it.
The handmade telescope "Colkit" is easy to make and has high performance!
The crater of the moon is clear, and you can see the small ring of Saturn.
A large telescope is fine, but it's popular because it's easy to take it out and watch it right away.
Many astronomical fans and Sora girls use their own colkits for customizing and decorating.

Holding period 2021/7/25
Open time 14:00
Venue Ofunaport 2nd floor multipurpose room
Address Ofunato Town, Ofunato City
Price 3500 yen (material cost)

Free for attendants and tours
Contact Saku Saku

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※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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