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  2. Kitakami
  3. Kitakami Happiness Marche

Kitakami Happiness Marche

  2024/10/5 Kitakami   32 Views

The Kitakami Happiness Marche will be held on Saturday, October 5th in Tokiwadai, Kitakami City.

There will be small items and bread made by social welfare facilities. There are 11 facilities cooperating with us. Take this opportunity to see the activities of each facility. In addition, there will be 6 popular workshop shops and 5 food and beverage shops. Please come and see this first-time event.

Holding period 2024/10/5
Open time Doors open 10:00

Venue Kitakami General Welfare Center 2F
Address 2-1-63 Tokiwadai, Kitakami City
Parking Free parking available
Access Nearest station: Yanagihara Station / Iwate Prefecture Transportation General Welfare Center bus stop
Price Free admission
Contact Regional revitalization creative planning At・So Hasegawa 090-6222-2278


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