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  2. Hanamaki
  3. Chorus Participation Recruitment

Chorus Participation Recruitment

We will be performing at the Hanamaki Symphony No. 9 Terra Musico in the "Takashi Fukui Recital" to be held at Hanamaki City Cultural Hall on Sunday, December 1st. We are looking for choir members for this event. Please see the flyer for applications and inquiries! Anyone can participate! Don't miss this chance! We look forward to your application!

Holding period 2024/9/2~2024/12/1
Open time 13:00
Venue Hanamaki City Cultural Center Large Hall
Address Hanamaki City Cultural Center


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花巻第九の会 テラ・ムジーコ

花巻第九の会 テラ・ムジーコからの更新通知を受け取る



  • [Saturday, October 26th] Asobi Sodate Juku "Halloween Party"

  • [10/25 (Fri)] Singing Salon

  • Harunosuke Tachikawa solo performance ~I'll be visiting Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture!~

  • Special exhibition at the Miyazawa Kenji Ihatov Museum: "Spring of 1924: 100 years since the publication of "Spring and Ashura" and "The Restaurant of Many Orders"

  • [Friday, November 8th] Everyone's Salon "Music Café"

  • <Now accepting reservations>Tsunoko's Atelier [Needle and Thread]