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  3. The basics of telephone response for faculty and staff that you can't ask about now

The basics of telephone response for faculty and staff that you can't ask about now

  2024/8/20~2024/8/20 online   80 Views

Free online training for faculty and staff only

Nice to meet you. Based in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture.

Supporting people to work with enthusiasm

I am a career consultant.

While teaching etiquette to newly hired employees of Aomori Prefecture,

Both newcomers and veterans have problems when answering the phone.

got it.

So we're holding a free course on the basics.

However, current teachers and staff can take this course and solve their problems.

The purpose of this is to assist you, so please enter your school name and real name when applying.

Please provide further details.

Holding period 2024/8/20~2024/8/20
Open time Doors open 13:30

Start time 15:00
Another schedule Negotiable
Venue Online course (Advance reservation required)
Address Online nationwide
Parking none
Price free
Contact Office Madoka Osaka Akiko

Phone number is not published

Deadline for application is August 18th. Please apply via our website inquiry form.
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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