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  2. Kitakami
  3. [8/6 (Tue)] Kakeibo Cafe

[8/6 (Tue)] Kakeibo Cafe

  2024/8/6 Kitakami Shopping Center PAL   14 Views

Do you have any of these concerns?

・I want to keep a household budget, but I can't keep it up.
I want to manage my household finances properly!
・I want to start keeping a household budget!
・I'm worried about money.

Why not start keeping a household budget now?

We will also introduce a household account book that can be easily kept on your smartphone.
Children are welcome! Please let us know the age of your children when you register. (No childcare is available.)
Everyone is welcome to join us.
Let's all keep a household budget together!
Please bring along any receipts or your current household ledger if you have them.

Kakeibo Cafe

Location: Etsuko Shopping Center Pal Culture Room

Date and time: Once a month from 10:00 to 12:00

Capacity: 10 people

Participation fee: 500 yen (includes one drink)

Hosted by: Konnochie

Holding period 2024/8/6
Open time 10:00~12:00
Venue Etsuko Shopping Center Pal

Culture Room (1st floor, next to the Children's Square)
Address 19-68 Kitaoniyanagi, Kitakami City
Parking Available (free)
Price Participation fee: 500 yen
Contact NPO Art Workshop

TEL: 0197-64-7567

Email: info@g-kobo.net
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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