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  3. [7/28 (Sun)] Classical Salon "Admiring French Musicians"

[7/28 (Sun)] Classical Salon "Admiring French Musicians"

  2024/7/28 Kitakami Shopping Center PAL   11 Views

Let's talk while listening to classical music!

This is a salon where you can enjoy classical music CDs with high-quality acoustics.

The theme for July is " Admiring French Musicians ."

We present works by French composers.
There are piano pieces, orchestral pieces, and instrumental solo pieces. Enjoy them through the CD and video.

Beginners to classical music are also welcome to join us.

~Scheduled songs~

Dukas: The Sorcerer's Apprentice Faure: After the Dream Debussy: Moonlight, etc.

Holding period 2024/7/28
Open time 14:00~15:30 (Entry and exit possible during the session)
Venue Etsuko Shopping Center Pal

Culture Room (1st floor, next to the Children's Square)
Address 19-68 Kitaoniyanagi, Kitakami City
Parking Available (free)
Price Participation fee: 200 yen (1 drink included)
Contact NPO Art Workshop

TEL: 0197-64-7567

Email: info@g-kobo.net
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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