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  3. Announcement of the 2024 Hanamaki City Museum Theme Exhibition "Tada Tokan – Faraway Tibet"

Announcement of the 2024 Hanamaki City Museum Theme Exhibition "Tada Tokan – Faraway Tibet"

  2024/5/25~2024/7/7 Hanamaki Hanamaki City Museum   102 Views

Tada Tokan is a world-renowned Tibetologist. He formed a disciple-disciple relationship with the 13th Dalai Lama and, after 10 years of training in Tibet, brought a vast amount of material on Tibetan Buddhism to Japan.

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Hanamaki City Museum, this exhibition will display all of the valuable materials related to Tibetan Buddhism that are in the museum's possession. It will also introduce the exchange between Hanamaki and Tibet that began with the evacuation of materials from Tibet during the war, and once again honor the achievements of Tada Tokan.

Related Events

Gallery Talk

  • Date and time: Saturday, June 1, 2024
  • July 7 (Sunday)
  • 13:30-14:30 each time
  • Location: Hanamaki City Museum Special Exhibition Room
  • No capacity limit (No application required)
  • Admission fee required
Holding period 2024/5/25~2024/7/7
Open time Opening hours: 8:30 to 16:30

Venue Hanamaki City Museum Special Exhibition Room
Address 8-1, Takamatsu 26th District, Hanamaki City
Parking There is a museum parking lot. If it is full, please use the Miyazawa Kenji Children's Story Village parking lot.
Access By bus (get off at the Kenji Memorial Museum Exit) / by car (approx. 10 minutes from Hanamaki Airport IC) / by foot (approx. 25 minutes from Shin-Hanamaki Station)
Price Adults 350 yen (300 yen) / High school students and students 250 yen (200 yen) / Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen (100 yen)

*Prices in parentheses are for groups of 20 or more.

*Discount tickets are available for use with neighboring museums.

*This ticket is valid for both the special exhibition and the permanent exhibition (you can view both the special exhibition and the permanent exhibition during the event period).
Contact Hanamaki City Museum

Address: 8-1, Takamatsu 26th District, Hanamaki City, 025-0014

Phone: 0198-32-1030

Email: museum@city.hanamaki.iwate.jp
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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