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  3. Calligraphy Research Heishinkai Small Works Exhibition ~The Arrival of Early Summer~

Calligraphy Research Heishinkai Small Works Exhibition ~The Arrival of Early Summer~

  2024/4/27~2024/5/12 Morioka City   114 Views

We are a calligraphy group active in Morioka. This is a calligraphy exhibition with the theme of "The Arrival of Early Summer."

Saturday, April 27th, 2024 – Sunday, May 12th, 2024

9:00-19:00 (last entrance 18:30)

* First day from 12:00 / Last day until 16:00

【free entrance】

For inquiries, please contact Morioka Machiya Monogatarikan at 019-654-2911.

Holding period 2024/4/27~2024/5/12
Open time 9:00-19:00 (last entrance 18:30)

First day 12:00~

Last day - 16:00
Venue Morioka Machiya Monogatarikan Main Building 1st Floor Community Space DOMA
Address 10-8 Natayacho, Morioka City
Parking have
Price free
Contact 019-654-2911
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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