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  3. Announcement of the Reiwa 5th Hanamaki City Museum theme exhibition “Kitashosai and Nanbu Masanao – Following in their footsteps”

Announcement of the Reiwa 5th Hanamaki City Museum theme exhibition “Kitashosai and Nanbu Masanao – Following in their footsteps”

  2024/1/20~2024/3/3 Hanamaki Hanamaki City Museum   137 Views

Kita Shōsai served as the ruler of Hanamaki Castle for 16 years from 1598 to 1613, and was instrumental in major renovations to the castle and the formation of a castle town. Masanao Nanbu, who succeeded Shosai, was the second son of Toshinao Nanbu, the second lord of the Morioka domain, and served as the lord of Hanamaki Castle for 12 years from 1613 to 1624. This year marks the 500th anniversary of Shosai's birth and the 400th anniversary of Masanao's death (399 years after his death). In this exhibition, we will introduce the footprints of these two men through related materials in our museum collection and items left at temples in the city.

Related events

gallery talk

  • Date and time: January 27, 2020 (Saturday) 13:30-14:30
  • Location Hanamaki City Museum Special Exhibition Room
  • Capacity: None (*No application required)
  • Admission fee required

Special Lecture: “The Children of Kita Shinai: The World of Yuzanji Temple Fusuma Documents”

  • Date and time: February 11, 2020 (Sunday) 13:30-15:00
  • Lecturer: Mr. Ryuji Kumagai (Teacher at Hachinohe Institute of Technology Second High School)
  • Location Lecture/experiential learning room
  • Capacity: 30 people (*Telephone application required)
Holding period 2024/1/20~2024/3/3
Open time Opening hours: 8:30 to 16:30

Venue Hanamaki City Museum Special Exhibition Room
Address Hanamaki-shi Takamatsu 26 lot 8-1
Parking Museum parking lot available. If the parking lot is full, please use the Miyazawa Kenji Fairy Tale Village parking lot.
Access Bus (get off at the Kenji Kinenkan exit) / Car (about 10 minutes from Hanamaki Airport IC) / Walk (about 25 minutes from Shin-Hanamaki Station)
Price General 350 yen (300 yen) / High school and students 250 yen (200 yen) / Elementary and junior high school students 150 yen (100 yen)

*Figures in parentheses are group rates for 20 or more people.

*There are discounted joint tickets available with surrounding museums.

*This is a common ticket for the permanent exhibition (during the exhibition period, you can see both the special exhibition and the permanent exhibition).
Contact Hanamaki City Museum

26th Lot 8-1, Takamatsu, Hanamaki City, 025-0014

Phone 0198-32-1030

Email museum@city.hanamaki.iwate.jp
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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