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  3. Let's make a telescope!

Let's make a telescope!

  2023/7/30 Ofunato   291 Views

"Let's build a telescope! 』

Capacity: about 10 pairs

Date: Sunday , July 30 , 2023

13 : 30-15 : 30 _ _ _

Place: Camellia Hall 1F Hall B

Material cost: 3,500 yen

( Please do not change as much as possible)

The handmade telescope "Colkit" is easy to make and has high performance!

You can also see the craters of the moon and the tiny craters of Saturn.

Convenient to carry. It is popular because it is easy to take out and watch immediately.

Apply by email or FB message

* Children under 10 years old must be accompanied.

Participation fee is 3,500 yen x the number of people who make telescopes .

There is no participation fee for attendants and visitors.

Sora Umi circle period

E-MAIL: star.kesen@gmail.com

Holding period 2023/7/30
Open time opening

Start 13:30
Venue Camellia Hall 1F Hall B
Address Sakarimachi, Ofunato City
Price Material cost: 3500 yen
Contact soraumi circle period

E-MAIL: star.kesen@gmail.com
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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