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  3. A fun space story by Shinpei Shibata "We became aliens, what would you do?" alien~

A fun space story by Shinpei Shibata "We became aliens, what would you do?" alien~

  2023/5/21 Ofunato Ofunaport   394 Views

Professor Emeritus, Yamagata University (Astrophysics)

A fun space story by Shinpei Shibata

If we are aliens who can look down on the earth from space, let's think about what to do with the earth now.

Holding period 2023/5/21
Open time opening

13 o'clock
Venue Ofuna Port 2nd floor multipurpose room
Address Ofunato Town, Ofunato City
Price free entrance

No application required
Contact Sora Umbrella Circle Saku

MAIL: star.kesen@gmail.com

Phone: 080-9013-6673
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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