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  3. All Japan Sasuke Surrounding Association Iwate/Ichinoseki

All Japan Sasuke Surrounding Association Iwate/Ichinoseki

  2023/4/8 Ichinoseki   362 Views

Hanami party! ! ! !

Enjoy 2 hours of all-you-can-drink with The Great Sasuke!

With catered lunch

There is rock-paper-scissors competition

Famous female singer guest participation!

Holding period 2023/4/8
Open time opening

The show starts at 18:30
Venue white glass
Address 5-24 Kamiotsuki-gai, Ichinoseki-shi
Parking Adjacent to Ichinoseki station recommended
Access https://goo.gl/maps/i7F8UktxjEG8s2Wd9
Price Female 6,000 yen

7,000 yen for men
Contact 0191-25-4920
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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