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  3. Flea Market & Craft Sales at Voice

Flea Market & Craft Sales at Voice

  2023/3/25~2023/3/25 Kitakami   276 Views

Saturday, March 25, 2023

10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Kitakami Voice 2F North Event Space

We will hold a flea market and craft sales event.

Enjoy what fresh vegetables will be exhibited every time ♪

In addition, it is full of advantageous bargains.

There are a lot of super-discount leather products and March!

Please be sure to wear a mask to prevent infection.

Please help me bring my bag.

・Partial introduction

Flea market, vegetables, miscellaneous goods, lace and knitting works, woodwork products, mizuhiki works, other handcrafts

Homemade foods such as steamed rice, ganzuki, and puffed rice cakes (operator)

Workshops are scheduled to start in March.

・Store name (planned)

tacky shop



Ecchan Kitchen


Vendors and content are subject to change without notice.

Holding period 2023/3/25~2023/3/25
Open time 10:00~14:00

Venue Kitakami Voice
Address 3-7-11 Jiunian Bridge, Beishi City
Parking can be
Access From the west exit of Kitakami Station, head west on the main street and turn left at the third intersection. You can see it on the left in front of Nine-nen Ohashi. By car, turn east at the Kitakami Police Station entrance on Route 4 Bypass and go straight. Just past the first traffic light! Look for the green signboard.
Price free entrance
Contact ttttukky@yahoo.co.jp


If you are sending from your cell phone address, please make sure that your yahoo address can be received.
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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