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  3. [Online] [Recruiting participants] Nyantomo wonderful picture book meeting

[Online] [Recruiting participants] Nyantomo wonderful picture book meeting

  2022/12/9 online   434 Views

Tsusuda Ramuta Bunko, a home library in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, has planned an online event for cat and picture book lovers!

Tomopyan, a friend who is a picture book specialist and a basic picture book therapist® and runs “hokutto books, a small town picture book specialty store” , reads a cat picture book and uses keywords such as “cat” and “mother”. Let's chat to!

  • Date/Time: December 9, 2022 (Friday) 20:00-21:30
  • Location/Online (ZOOM)
  • Sponsored by Home Bunko "Tsuda Ramuta Bunko"
  • Co-sponsor / Guest / Picture book life concierge Tomopyan (picture book specialist / basic picture book therapist ®︎)
  • Capacity / 3 pairs (Multiple people can participate if you participate with your family from the same terminal)
  • Participation fee/free
  • Contents: I will read a wonderful picture book to Nyan, and from 21:00 to 30 minutes, I would like to chat with the participants using the keywords "cat" and "mother". If you are interested, please check it out.
  • Application form / https://ws.formzu.net/dist/S13805237/
  • Deadline: Until 16:00 on Tuesday, December 6, 2022
  • Request / The picture book to be read aloud has received copyright application permission from the publisher. Please refrain from recording the reading video.

#Opening celebration for #cat lovers #by cat lovers
#Nyantomo wonderful picture book meeting

#Picture book specialist #basic picture book therapist #picture book life concierge #hokutto #online event

#cat#cat #protected cat

Holding period 2022/12/9
Open time 20:00~21:30
Venue Online (ZOOM)
Address Morioka City
Price free
Contact Family library Tsusuda Ramuta library
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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