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  3. 7/23 (Sat) Night ・ ZOO Ⅿ held "Ask Buddha" Tell me who you really are ""

7/23 (Sat) Night ・ ZOO Ⅿ held "Ask Buddha" Tell me who you really are ""

  2022/7/23~2022/7/23 online   667 Views

★ Course theme

Ask Buddha "Tell me who you really are"

Dressing up with only people's eyes in mind,
Some people feel like they are just lying.
From Buddha's teachings, we will approach the eternal theme of all humankind, "What is the true me?"

◇ 7/23 (Sat) 20: 00-20: 40
(Professor Masayuki Kojima) ZOOM held * We will answer questions after the lecture ☺️

◆ How to participate ◆

It will be held at ZOOM.

Please apply using the form below.


◆ Impressions of participants ◆

・ I knew the name Shaka-sama, but
Who and what were you taught?
I was ashamed to say that I didn't understand at all.
I would like to use this as a good opportunity to learn from now on.
(Woman in her 50s)

・ I was surprised to hear the spirit of mercy preached in Buddhism.
Thank you for your valuable study opportunity.
(Male in his 60s)

◆ Participation fee ◆
Nothing in particular.

◆ Lecturer Profile ◆

Professor Masayuki Kojima (Buddhist instructor)

Born in Saitama prefecture. It has been 11 years since I became a Buddhist teacher.
We hold more than 300 lectures a year in various parts of Hokkaido and Tohoku.
The motto is "easy to understand even for first-time users".
Delivered a YouTube video "Michinoku Buddhist Instructor" where you can learn Buddhism on the Internet.

Holding period 2022/7/23~2022/7/23
Open time Start 20:00

End 20:40
Venue online
Address none
Price free
Contact Komatsu m.komatsu2@gmail.com


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