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  2. Hanamaki
  3. Premium Party-2022

Premium Party-2022

  2022/7/24 Hanamaki Hanamaki Onsen   731 Views

It is a wedding party sponsored by the Hanamaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club.

Participating men will hold a preliminary briefing session on Sunday, June 5th.

We will explain the contents of the party and teach you how to prepare for it!

If you are inconvenient, please contact us as we will respond individually.

Participants Single men and women between the ages of 25 and 45

For men, those who meet one or more of the following items

① Lives in Hanamaki City

② Work at a business office in Hanamaki city

③ From Hanamaki City

Holding period 2022/7/24
Open time Reception hours 10: 00 ~

Holding time 10: 30-14: 00
Venue Hanamaki Onsen Hotel Koyokan
Address 1-125 Yumoto, Hanamaki City
Parking Yes
Price Male 5500 yen

Female 1500 yen
Contact Hanamaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club

TEL: 0198-23-3381

The Japan Matchmaking Support Association & Pansy Club

TEL: 0198-29-4192

Email: oekkai@pansy-club.jp
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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