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  2. Morioka City
  3. Michinoku Pro Wrestling

Michinoku Pro Wrestling

The final round of the Golden Week tour! !!

Holding period 2022/5/8
Open time Opening 12:15

Start at 13:00
Venue Takizawa Workers' Physical Education Center
Address 58-5 Takamori, Takizawa City
Parking Yes
Access https://www.google.co.jp/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0756+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E6%BB%9D%E6%B2%A2%E5%B8%82%E5%A4%A7%E9%87%9C%E9%AB%98%E6%A3%AE%EF%BC%95%EF%BC%98%E2%88%92%EF%BC%95/@39.704889,141.0081019,13z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x5f8579da47e366c7:0x1ebc395c90da833c!8m2!3d39.7029055!4d141.0459356
Price Reserved seat 5000 yen (5500 yen on the day)

Reserved seats for elementary, junior high and high school students 2500 yen (3000 yen on the day)

<Advance reservation for ticket sales>

March 11th (Friday) 10:00 AM

Michinoku Pro Wrestling Online Shop Released

* Customers who purchase from the online shop will not write their address, name, or contact information on the stub.

<Ticket sales>

Saturday, March 12

Lawson Ticket 0570 (000) 777 L Code: 22143

Ticket Pia 0570 (02) 9999 (Seven-Eleven, Circle K Sunkus stores)

e + eplus http://eplus.jp/michipro/ (Famiport in FamilyMart store)

Michinoku Pro Wrestling Telephone Reservation 019 (687) 2431

* You cannot enter unless the address, name, and phone number are stated on the ticket stub (smaller one).

The tournament will be canceled if a cancellation request is issued by the prefecture, city, town or facility.
Contact Michinoku Pro Wrestling


HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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