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  2. Picture book and picture story storytelling "Ohanashi Pocket"

Picture book and picture story storytelling "Ohanashi Pocket"

  2021/03/15 Morioka City Culture / art Lifestyle Parenting   977 Views

No pre-registration required, free participation.

This is a storytelling of picture books and picture-story shows by the "Ohanashi Pocket Association".

*There are diaper changing tables in both the women's and men's restrooms nearby.
* Breastfeeding is available if the medical office is vacant. Please ask at the general reception.
*The Children's Square is free to use from 9:00 to 17:00 (closed on Wednesdays). Please speak to the general reception before use.
*Please refrain from visiting if you are feeling unwell or have cold symptoms.

Event date1 2023/3/11
Event date2 2023/4/8
Event date3 2023/5/13
Event date5 2023/7/8
Open time 10:30~11:30
Venue Fureai Land Iwate 2F Lounge/Children's Square
Address 8-1-3 Sanbonyanagi, Morioka City
Parking Free (general parking lot: approx. 170 cars / friendly parking lot: approx. 30 cars)
Access 0 minute walk from "Fureai Land Iwate" bus stop, 5 minute walk from "Sanbonyanagi Gongendo" bus stop, 10 minute walk from "Sanbonyanagi" bus stop, 30 minute walk from JR Tohoku Line "Iwate Ioka Station"
Price free
Contact Fureai Land Iwate 019-637-1000
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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