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  2. Swimming one-point lesson

Swimming one-point lesson

  2021/06/22 Morioka City Beauty health Health law Sports swimming   889 Views

Pre-registration is not required.

If you wish to participate, please check in and have your blood pressure taken before gathering at the pool.

Things to bring : Swimsuit, swimming cap, towel, goggles

11/30 Crawl
12/7 Backstroke
12/14 Breaststroke

*Please check the Fureai Land Iwate homepage for schedules from 2020 onwards.

Event date1 2023/11/30
Event date2 2023/12/7
Event date3 2023/12/14
Open time 14:00~14:45
Target People with disabilities, the elderly, the general public
Venue Fureai Land Iwate Pool
Address 8-1-3 Sanbonyanagi, Morioka City
Parking Free (General parking lot: Approx. 170 spaces / People-friendly parking lot: Approx. 30 spaces)
Access 0 minute walk from Fureai Land Iwate bus stop, 5 minute walk from Sanbonyanagi Gongendo bus stop, 10 minute walk from Sanbonyanagi bus stop, 30 minute walk from Iwate Iioka Station on the JR Tohoku Line
Price People with disabilities/elderly people: Free

General: 460 yen/once, student 240 yen/once
Contact Fureai Land Iwate Sports Reception Tel.019-637-4469
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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