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  2. The Adept Program to Energize Your Family®️

The Adept Program to Energize Your Family®️

Mom's happiness 🕊️💕✨ the happiness of the whole family

The space energy of the house increases, too!

Power up the whole family! !

[Adept program to make your family healthy ®️ ]

No education, no connections, just a normal housewife

Representative of Iwate Mama Fes 🤱 Star Reader Mika-chan


Hold an event with 7 housewives with passion ❤️‍🔥

Collect 1500 people and become a charismatic housewife

Opened mama school

I am happy because my mom puts me first

according to the word

You are also very talented

Stage actress, director, fortune teller…

Hosted by managers with various faces

The Oldest Empress Studies Adept Program®️

Know yourself and charm yourself

Receive more happiness for your family

Let's enjoy life♪

Every time the goddess is satisfied, the partner

Getting richer and richer ⤴️ the best self-investment

“Mom” as the source of energy for the family

A healthy mom makes the whole family happy!

As the creator of life, your happiness

Create your ideal life!

⚜️ Schedule

Date and time consultation, home / nationwide business trip possible

Child-rearing, nursing care, illness, withdrawal, etc.

Please feel free to contact us.

* The venue may change after the number of people is confirmed.

⚜️Iwate _

6/34 ( Saturday and Sunday ) full moon 🌕Sagittarius

3rd from 15:00 to 18:30 _

4th 11 : 00-18 : 30

Venue Morioka City Vegetable Garden 1

Hosted by Mama School



6/29/30 ( Thursday and Friday ) time adjustment

Venue Morioka City Vegetable Garden 1

Sponsored by Nail School Aya



7/34 ( Monday and Tuesday )

adjusting time

Venue Around Hiroshima Station

Entrepreneurship and business planning support AYUMI


🐉Shonan _

7/89 ( Saturday and Sunday ) fully booked

Venue Enoshima area

⚜️Contact us

Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached on its own

Light center  Nefer ( on a nationwide business trip )

~For those who want to create a future beyond their expectations~


Individual ( face-to-face/remote ) sessions, various classes

( Ensophic Reiki Meditation Hand Down )

Lightworker Healer Training

Meditation and hands-on event planning

( Home parties, stores, corporate dispatch, etc. )

[Once in a lifetime Adept Program® ]

So that you can evolve and grow into the best life

I will give you the strongest compass.

to have as creator of life

Remind yourself to the correct self image

Awaken your true loyalty

Alchemical path where multidimensional creation begins

unable to reach on their own

A high dimension never experienced before

Let's shift to the best life more than expected!

⚜️ What to tell in the program

・The roots of the Adept Program

・About guardian angels

・About human potential and sacredness

・The structure of the universe

・Human energy structure

( Aura, Chakra, Ether, Four Majors, Magnetism )

What is ego

・Things necessary for survival

・Ancient Wisdom Kabbalah


・Protect yourself from evil

・Increase the vibration of space and field


・Alchemy, etc.

⚜️Tuition fee 80,000 ( 10 hours for 2 days )

#Mom life #adept program #know yourself #metaphysics #way of life #mama friend #parenting #childcare #subconscious #human relationship #truancy #withdrawal #attract #way of life #Tokyo #partnership # self polishing #chakra #law of attraction # _ _ _ _ _ Iwate #Kobe # self-searching #entrepreneurship mom #higher self #thank you for your relationship #shonan #inner child #happy moments to the world #maternity #living surrounded by what you like

Event date1 2023/6/3
Event date2 2023/6/29
Event date3 2023/6/6
Event date4 2023/6/8
Event date5 2023/6/10
Venue vegetable garden
Address Morioka Vegetable Garden 1
Price 80,000 yen
Contact Leading to a dimension that cannot be reached on its own

Light Center Nefer (on a nationwide business trip)

~For those who want to create a future beyond their expectations~

Individual (face-to-face/remote) sessions, various classes

(Ensophic Reiki Meditation Hand Down)

Lightworker Healer Training

Meditation and hands-on event planning

(Home parties, stores, corporate dispatch, etc.)
HP Click here for official website and other related sites

※Event information is subject to change. Please see the official website for details.


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