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Started a business ✨ Sparkling ✨ Nurse

  2023.12.11   67 Views

✨ Sparkling ✨ Nurse who started a business [S-PAL Fukushima event 12/9/10 (Saturday and Sunday)]

Thank you very much for visiting our Fukushima business trip event, which gave us various connections💝

Taking advantage of my experience as a nurse after completing the oldest Teiogaku Adept Program

Thank you very much to Cocokara Lab, which started up “olfactory reaction analysis'' and “foot care''!

Thank you Azuki Cafe for helping us connect with you🙏Thank you💕✨

[Hone your love💝Booth that makes your dreams come true]

The finite time of life on earth…

If everything you have right now is a matrix, if you have money, time, and everything, what would you like to do? …

Let's raise our low human vibrations, connect with our true selves and our higher-dimensional selves, and remember the purpose of our coming to earth.

The "key" to reach infinite abundance
The key person who holds the key is yourself

Do you treat beautiful gemstones like diamonds with care?

Are you belittling yourself, lowering your self-worth, and deliberately selling it cheap?

Experience-based events are being held nationwide that propose new ways of living that will evolve and grow your life, allowing you to experience services that enrich your mind and body~🎶✨

⚜️Contact Us We will lead you to a higher dimension that you cannot reach on your own.
Light Center NEFER (Domestic and overseas business trips possible)
~For those who want to create a future beyond their expectations~
Individual (face-to-face and remote) sessions, various metaphysical classes, guided meditation experience for lightworker/healer training, and experiential events.
(Home parties, stores, company dispatch, etc.)

[Once in a lifetime Adept Program®] https://ameblo.jp/yukarin8momoko/entry-12293326369.html

I will give you the strongest compass so that you can evolve and grow into the best life.

Reminds us of the correct self-image we should have as creators of our lives.

An alchemical path that awakens the original royalty and begins multidimensional creation.

Let's shift to the best life that is higher than you have ever experienced and that you cannot reach on your own!

[What we will tell you in the program]・Roots of the Adept Program ・About guardian angels ・About human potential and holiness ・Structure of the universe ・Human energy structure
(Aura, chakra, ether, four major powers, magnetism)
・What is ego?・What is necessary for survival?・Ancient wisdom Kabbalah・Meditation・Protecting yourself from evil spirits・Increasing the vibration of space and field・Metaphysics・Alchemy, etc.

⚜️Tuition fee 80,000 yen (2 days 10 hours)

[Event schedule] Please feel free to contact us regarding dates and times, home or nationwide business trips possible, raising children, nursing care, illness, withdrawal, etc.
*The venue may change after the number of participants is confirmed.

⚜️12/30/31 (Saturday and Sunday) 10-16:00 Venue: Morioka City Vegetable Garden 1
Sponsored by Nail School Aya

#Sendai #Entrepreneurship #Nurse #Foot Care #Olfactory Response Analysis #Adept Program #Attraction #Know yourself #Self-improvement #Astrology #Business Trip Relaxation #Talent Blooming #Self-Investment #Aromatherapy #Healing #Therapist #Human Relations #Partnership # Live as yourself #Aroma #Body care #Self care #Business trip aroma #Self-axis #Chakra #Higher self #Spirituality #Turn your love into work #Make your dreams come true #Share more happy moments in the world

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