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8/9 (Monday / holiday) Noon / Kitakami City held "Approaching the charm of Shinran saint, who is said to be the best one in history! " 2021/8/9
6/26 (Sat) Night, ZOO Ⅿ held "What is the law of the universe revealed by Buddha" 2021/6/26
6/29 (Tuesday) Morning and noon, held in Kitakami City "I know the direction to go! “Happy way of life” learned in Buddha's life ” 2021/6/29
2/9 (Tuesday) Morning, noon, Kitakami City "Learn from the masterpiece" Hojoki "that touches your heart-Buddha's life course-" 2021/2/9
11/15 (Sun) Morning / Noon / Morioka City "Learn from Shinran Saint's Anime Movie-Buddhist Movie Screening for Everyone" 2020/11/15